# Props

The component behavior can be changed by managing the properties listed below.

# itemKey

Used internally by the Vue framework to correctly handle list updates. This key must be unique, and it's passed to the :key directive. It contains the item property name, which will uniquely identify it.

itemKey: {
  type: String,
  required: true

# itemLabel

Value to be displayed as text for each item in the list/s. Holds the property name/s of the item object containing the desired value.

itemLabel: {
  value: [String, Array],
  required: true

# items

A component data source. Each item in the collection should be an object.

items: {
  type: Array,
  default: () => []

# itemDetails

Value to be displayed as details text for each item in the selected items list. Holds the item property name/s having the desired label value.

itemDetails: {
  type: String

# title

The component heading title displayed above the selected items list.

title: {
  type: String,
  default: "Grid Multiselect"

# value

Contains the currently selected value. You can listen for changes using @input event if so desired. Usually required in combination with Vuex. In other cases v-model directive will be enough.

value: {
  type: Array,
  default: () => []

# searchable

Property responsible for controlling the search option. Based on its value, searching will be enabled/disabled.

searchable: {
  type: Boolean,
  default: true

# groupBy

Holds the item property name to group the data source by. The selected items list is not grouped.

groupBy: {
  type: String

Sets the components menu position. It can be dock or float.

menuPosition: {
  type: String,
  default: "dock"

# tabIndex

Sets the tabindex of the component.

tabIndex: {
  type: Number,
  default: 0

# emptyMessage

Holds the text to be displayed when nothing is selected.

emptyMessage: {
  type: String,
  default: "No Data"

# splitBy

Holds the item property name to split the selected items view by.

splitBy: {
  type: String

# searchBoxPlaceholder

Sets the value for the search input field placeholder attribute.

searchBoxPlaceholder: {
  type: String,
  default: 'Search...'

# Slots

# item

Use it to customize the item appearance in the sidebar list.


  • item (Object) - Current item in the datasource
<template v-slot:item="{item}">
	<!-- // use the item here -->

# selected-item

Use it to customize the selected item appearance.


  • selectedItem (Object) - A selected item
<template v-slot:selected-item="{selectedItem}">
	<!-- // use the selected item here -->

# selected-item-details

Use it to customize the selected item row details.


  • selectedItem (Object) - A selected item
<template v-slot:selected-item-details="{selectedItem}">
	<!-- // use the selected item here -->

Use it to add a section at the bottom of the sidebar list.

<template v-slot:items-footer>
	<!-- // your html -->

Use it to add a section at the bottom of the selected items list.

<template v-slot:selected-items-footer>
	<!-- // your html -->

# Events

Name Arguments Description
Input (@input) (value) Emitted after value changes
Item Removed (@item-removed) (removedItem) Emitted after removing an item from the selection
Item Selected (@item-selected) (selectedItem) Emitted after clicking on an item in the selection